How to Increase Traffic,Conversions and Sales by Ian Cleary (webinar review)

Learn how to increase traffic,conversions and sales.

Ian Cleary,founder of is giving you 8 steps to increase

traffic to your website,convert leads into the buyers and generate more revenue.

Increase traffic with Facebook Ads

You can run Facebook Ads from GetResponse dashboard and you do not

need to head over to complicated Facebook Ads dashboard.

Interface of GetResponse dashboard is easy to use and you can start your 

ad campaign directly from there without being confused and lost.

Audience can be custom,lookalike and also included in existing contacts.

People liking your Facebook Page and people who visited your website

but have not bough from you can be reached and re targeted.

With existing contacts you can target your GetResponse list of contacts

once you have 100 contacts.

With lookalike audience you can target a group similar to your existing 

contacts once you have a list of 500 contacts.

Custom audience is based on specific criteria like location,demographics 

and interest so marketers need to have some data upfront about buyer persona.

Using Facebook Ads to make sales.

screenshots taken from webinar hosted by Ian Cleary and GetResponse

Now you have opportunity to create beautiful ad campaigns and ad copies

in Facebook Ads area of GetResponse dashboard.

Create an ad,enter a name of your campaign,connect your account with 

Facebook and run ads both on Facebook and Instagram feeds,create audience,

set budget and connect your credit card with GetResponse account,add the content

in a description of your ad and add link to it,make a headline,choose button type,

preview your ad campaign and submit your ad to Facebook to be reviewed

and finally track a progress of your ad campaign in a GetResponse dashboard.

You will see a green button when your ad is live.

Add incentives,split tests,offers changes and social proof

Discount codes for the early birds are good promotional tactic.

Adding scarcity in your marketing message like one day left to 

use a special offer might motivate people to reconsider your offer.

Split test your landing pages and find out which one converts the best.

Change your offer,pricing and let users to pay in monthly rates if applicable.

Social proof such as testimonials from influential people are a must in some cases.

4 methods to increase conversions and sales.

Get testimonials from your most satisfied buyers or find the influencers to promote your 

offer and give you the testimonials on their Instagram accounts and on your homepage.

Use simple cost effective automated process in your online marketing.

You will save time and money at the same time.

Pass the objections and make sales with pastor method,follow ups 

and create a high converting funnel

It is usual for people to have objections before they decide to buy from you.

Read books from Brian Tracy on how to pass the objections and turn no to yes.

Pastor method is explained as an acronym for problem,amplification,story and 

solution,transformation and testimonial,offer and response in your sales page.

Ian Cleary explains how to make sales.

Make the series of email follow ups.

Reiterate the offer with a first email,close in 3 days with a second email,

close in 24 hours with third email and add alternative offer after you close

with a fourth email in your email follow up series.

Create high converting funnel with GetResponse.

Use all of the methods that are explained.

I wish you more leads and customers. 

Watch the whole webinar here.

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